6.8 Not bad, but not too good either.

User Rating: 7 | Seiken Densetsu DS: Children of Mana DS

This game kept me occupied for quite a while. But as I progressed it got boring, and it felt like a chore to finish it.


This was satisfactory. It was very repetitive. Go finish a dungeon, come back to town, do it over. There was only I think one time in this game where I got stuck, but I still did not need to consult a FAQ. Also, it was mostly just button mashing. There was almost no strategy involved to beat this game. This was much too easy.


The reason I gave this what it got is because of the music. I absolutely loved the music. It was my favorite part of the game. All of it completely fit the scenario it was put into. It blew me away. The graphics on the other hand, were not so good. It just bothered me how it looked so pixelized.


It took me about 25 hours to finish this game, and I took my sweet time. I've played it for about 34 hours now, but the extra 9 hours put into side quests and stuff like that was just a waste of time. There's really no reason to replay this game unless you absolutely loved it the first time through.


I advise you not to buy this game unless you are a hardcore Mana fan, which I'm not really, seeing how this was my first Mana game. I don't think it's worth what you pay for it, unless it's under $20.