Do you remember Secret of Mana?...ofcourse you do. Apparently the developers of this game didn't.

User Rating: 7 | Seiken Densetsu DS: Children of Mana DS
Children of Mana starts off as a promising game, initially feeling like an improvement in the Secret of Mana series. The animation and overall presentation delivers a unique yet reminiscent feel of the Mana series. The battle system was very well developed and the magic system was amazingly improved from the original Secret of Mana game. So what’s the problem? The game is amazingly repetitive. The RPG aspect has been stripped away from this game. There is no open-ended traveling and there is only one, that’s right one town. After receiving all the weapons, which can be achieved within the first two hours of the game, the game feels absolutely recycled. I recommend this game to only the people who avidly enjoy dungeon crawlers. I do not, I repeat, do not recommend this game to Secret of Mana fans.