I have seen the future of gaming...

User Rating: 9 | Child of Eden X360
I have seen the future of interactive gaming, and it is Child of Eden. I have been a huge fan of Mizuguchi's previous offerings, Lumines and Rez, and this one takes his hypnotic style to a whole new level. And, it is probably one of the best uses of the Kinect out now. Child of Eden is like being sucked into the world of Tron on acid. In this rail shooter the world of Eden has been corrupted and you must purge it of viruses. Not only is this increasingly challenging, it is a modest workout; I found myself working up a sweat, but in a good way. It is exiting, fast-paced, and one of the most visceral, hypnotic experiences I have had with a game in recent history. You will be drawn into it's rhythms, colors, and vortex of fractal, flowing, spiraling designs. Simply beautiful. As well, the electronica soundscape is worth a listen independent of the game. For those wanting a game that really is "better on Kinect" and, in my opinion, the best, most original Kinect offering out there, this is a must have game.