Better suited as an arcade game.

User Rating: 5.5 | Chaos Legion PS2
Chaos Legion was not a necessarily bad had pretty decent visuals (held back only by the tone of the game, which led to a lot of dark, dull colors), and it could be highly entertaining to beat up a bunch of monsters and then summon your "legion" to help you out, most of which were pretty badass and awesome. Unfortunately, the further you progress through the game, the more you start to realize that you're playing the same level over and over and over. That's excusable for arcade games, as they're meant to be played in short bursts unless you're willing to fork over a few dollars worth of change or are really, really good. This game, however, is stuck on repeat and you can't just hop to the next game like you can in an arcade. The problem is this:

Unfortunately, once you've done one thing in the game, you've done everything in the game. You end up playing the same levels over and over again, and after a while you start to get the feeling that you're in some weird, nightmarish time loop...

Unfortunately, once you've done one thing in the game, you've done everything in the game. You end up playing the same levels over and over again, and after a while you start to get the feeling that you're in some weird, nightmarish time loop...

Unfortunately, once you've done one thing in the game, you've done everything in the game. You end up playing...

But every once in a while you get a brief flash of uniqueness! A new level, a new legion power...and for a good half hour, the awesomeness of the game has returned!

Unfortunately, once you've done one thing in the game, you've...