Just needs that lil' extra somethin' Hate playing levels 20 times over and doing the same combo all the TI

User Rating: 6.5 | Chaos Legion PS2
Hard to explain this one from Capcom lets just say some people expected better, as did i. Like a Devil May Cry game only alot more whats the word ummm........ BORING. Sorry this game lacks replay value, don't get me wrong i played this game for hours and hours on end, but you have to be a fan of this type of genre for you to get through the first few levels. To put it straight having no sets of different combos and having wave after wave of enemys with not much variety really gets boring. Also could of added a few more proper side quests instead of just the one where you have to peice one of your summons back together, loved all the little secrets around the place tho', it was one of the only things that kept me going on this game. Lastly could of done with a few more enemys just to make the game a bit more interesting.

Graphics were very nice... smooth i guess, nothing much with backgrounds which was sad, made me feel like i was in a floating world of white. Maybe the summons could change look slightly as you level them up or have unlockable skins. Other wise graphics get thumbs up.

Sound was good aswell Capcom at least know how to make good music and sound effects that i know for sure.

Meh like i said before you have to be a fan of this genre to really get into it, by all means give it a go, but dont be suprised if you get disappointed. Its like as soon as you complete the game you probably wont be going back for a second round. Just a lazy game by Capcom.