this may not be dmc but is still very enjoyable and any true fan of dmc will luv this!!!!!

User Rating: 9.5 | Chaos Legion PS2
this is the most underrated game of all history. its way better than devil may cry 2 but dosent quite meet the awsomeness of dmc1 or dmc3 or soon 2 be dmc4.

gameplay: almost like dmc. very intense cool and full of action its defitly worth picking up espcially for dmc fans like me. like i said u may not get a exct version of dmc or dmc3 but u will find urself very sastisfied. id give this game a 9.7 but ill give it a 10 because its closer than 9.5. A

graphics: not as good as dmcs but still pretty good especially for its time. every thing looks like it sould be in a fantasy action adventure game. ill give it a A

sound: pretty close 2 dmcs sound. while the music may not be as good its still bone chilling. A

value: ull play this game for awhile. its defitly a good game, i still sometimes go back 2 it and play as level or 2. B+ for value

all fans of dmc should play this game and it shouldnt be put down!!!