This game can be so much better....

User Rating: 8 | Chaos Legion PS2
The moment I saw Chaos Legion, I like the Intro video and I thought this game must be fun. So I bought it quite long time ago and played continuously for a few days. This game initially reminds me of Devil May Cry, but it is indeed a totally different game and it cannot compete with DMC.

The story is about two men in love with the same woman, and when they fought each other, one man (the main character) has accidentally killed the woman. The other man went mad and activated some sort of black spell to bring all sort of dark creatures into the world in order to destroy all mankind. Then the main character has received order to eliminate the evil and bring peace again to the world.

Your character’s main weapon is sword but the ‘real weapon’ is something called the “Guardian”. Guardian is something that once summoned, they will fight along side with the main character and you can set their attack or defense mode. There are so many types of guardian in this game, each have unique attack and special power. Guardian can be equipped and changed at anytime. Other than the guardian, there is nothing interest in this game.

The graphic of this game is considered very nice and cool. The music and sound is okay too. What is actually lacking is the gameplay of this game. Fighting with guardian is not a bad idea but they should develop more on the character himself, like more weapons or different attack combo or even transformation. However, all these are absent from this game and that is why this game cannot score a higher mark.

As conclusion, Chaos Legion is not a bad game at all. I suggest that you rent it first. This game has so many rooms for improvement and I hope that the next one will be better.