Chaos legion is a Devil May Cry style game with a few tweaks that make it a fun but sometimes boring game.

User Rating: 7.1 | Chaos Legion PS2
Chaos Legion has many obvious resemblences to Devil May Cry. It has your basic hack n slash gameplay with a few tweaks that make it seam like a familiar yet different game all at once. The major difference is your legions. small squads of monters you can summon to aid you in your fight. they actually do help at times. If you find yourself hopelessly outnumbered then you can summon your knights to help you out. if there is a particular objective that you can't get to then deal with it using your archer legion. there are many different ways you can overcome obstacles concerning your legions. The game does get repetative pretty quickly and you only get to use guns in the last couple of levels. The cut-scene animations are pretty good but they could have definentaly used better voice actors. the graphics were OK. about average for that day and age in gaming. The story is confusing and doesn't keep you hooked. In the end, the only think keeping you playing is the gameplay. It would be a good idea to rent it first. This game is definentaly one of those games that depends on someone's opinion. you could love it or you could hate it. The value of the game is pretty good considering the price that they're asking for it. It's a really cheap game and great if your a bargan hunter. If your already into the DMC games then this isn't for you. But if your just getting into the hack n slash genre, then this basic and somewhat easy game is a great place to start.