Not as good as Devil May Cry by far.

User Rating: 5.5 | Chaos Legion PS2
This is the kind of game you'd play waiting to play a DMC game, just to have something to do to pass the time. The gameplay is good, much like DMC without the devil trigger, but with monsters you can summon to help you out. The graphics are really nice for a PS2 platformed game though. I'd much rather play another button masher then this. The game gets hard towards the end though, alot harder then i thought. I played it on the Easy mode, and the second the last boss was impossible to do. I'd buy this is you just wanted to waste time playing a game, just to do something, or this is the kind of game you find a bargain bin, and it really cheap. That you can't pass up, beings that it's so cheap. IMO, don't buy this if you already have a DMC.