iv'e been missing out on this fantastic game for 4 years... wow....

User Rating: 9 | Chaos Legion PS2
this game came out in 2003 and only now in 2007 in buying it...wow for 4 in a half years i have been missing out on sooo much fun....ive always look'd at this game admired it yet feard it when i was 13 years old i was scared of the monsters inside of it. (yeah i know im a pansy) and it was 50$ for waaaay to long like almost 2 in a half years... guess that was one reason why i didnt get it i guess. but the main reason would have to be that this game had SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many bad reviews it scared me away even more so...well now i feel like a total dick. who ever gave this game below a 7... youv got some big issues to deal with this game may be no devil maycry but guess what...its still friggen good. it may be already 4 years since this has been out so yeah i guess you can say its old school but hey... this game is FAAAAT better then most 2006 AND 2007 games ive playd so far. so there! now for my ratings. Story: 9/10 awesome story that had a sad but satisfying ending. gameplay: 10/10 Wonderful very Rare Style of gameplay i loved it. Sound/music: 9/10 Awesome Goth/oprea/metal music and decent sound hands down. Graphics: 10/10 for the year 2003!? id say this game was on par with both final fantasy 10 and kingdom hearts! replay Value: 8/10 its good. Overall 9.0/10 and overall great game that was ultimately under impreaitad. sad but true. this game was awesome for its time and still is today 4 in a half years later after its release.