User Rating: 9 | Chaos Legion PS2
It's AWESOME! I can't STRESS THAT ENOUGH!! I got it the first day it came out (without reading reviews, because they tend the sway your judgement as you play). I have read previews and was expecting the 5-10 hrs of gameplay; I told myself I'd beat it 6 times in preparation for f-zero :). I rip the box open and pop it in. The first stage, thinking i was immortal, i run around slapping stuff, not reading the tutorial, and letting my legion take stuff out. I die to the first miniboss... That was embarassing! I relax, play for real, and reach level 3 without a hitch. It took me a few tries and I beat that too. By the end of level four (which as to be the longest and most tactical of all), I've played for 5 hours. I was like, OMG THIS IS HARD! I'm not a newb in games, i've beaten dante must die mode (frankly that was too long ago). I might have gotten a little "lazy" but this game is anything but easy. I think that reviewers have played the japanese version (which is about 3x easier) and learned all the "tricks". Knowing the bosses weaknesses and patterns, they didnt care that the damage was upped. They also didnt plan on leveling all the legions or finding the BEST legion (which needs pieces). All in all, this game is awesome. The graphics are GREAT (if you don't stare at every dot on the screen). Occassionally, a unit will "disappear" at a certain angle, I dunno why. The music, what music? It barely goes into my head so it's nothing memorable but nothing that wrecks the game. Voice acting is bad. BAD BAD BAD. I can't help but stress that. Story is cool, the CGs and stuff are nice but... it's so confusing. The ending is a GREAT surprise. Gameplay, the gameplay is awesome and so in depth (to certain units taking more from certain legions). If you really leveled a lot, you'll want to figure the fastest and the best legions to bring along. I've made a nice build for myself, everyone likes something different. Hope this helps and hope you buy this game, it's the best action game since DMC (and I feel like it's better, only because it's been a while).