This is the best Castlevania to be offered in years, but not the best in the series.

User Rating: 7.9 | Akumajou Dracula: Circle of the Moon GBA
I loved Symphony of the Night. It is arguably one of the best games ever. Definitely one of the best reasons to own a Playstation. I haven't had a lot of opportunity to play all the games in the series since or before them, but this one is the first to give me the feel of sidescrolling RPG awesomeness I experienced on Playstation years ago. It also features a Belmont rather than a vampire, so it feels more classic than Symphony did.

Still, it's not nearly as good as Symphony. It doesn't feel as full. It doesn't have the same twists and insanity that that one did. (Of course, finding nothing can really ever live up to the feeling you get when you first discover you've only played half of Symphony, when you thought you had it in the bag.) This game just doesn't have the same variety of magic.

But still, it is the closest I've seen it in years. I look forward to playing the other Castlevania games on GBA. I hear they are even better. Here's hoping this is just a great start, and not the best the GBA has to offer.

Best Castlevania in years.