Exciting game with great graphics and great style. This is something I could be doing for weeks or months in succession.

User Rating: 9.4 | Akumajou Dracula: Circle of the Moon GBA
Now I don't know a lot about Castlevania, but I sure like the style. Fighting against vampires, skeletons, were-wolfs and other creepy rabble certainly is my kind of cookie. And with a cool hero of course. Nathan whips the crap out off the scum that's walking around in Dracula's Castle, in order to beat that evil monster in the end. To do that, you meet a lot of different enemies, the one even scarier than the other. Rarely you'll find a card, of which are two kinds. The combinations provide you with new forms of your whip (Fire sword, Electric whip, etc). It's great trying all cards for the strongest whip or the one that's best suitable for the situation. Of course there are other items to be collected. Four kinds: Body (Rainbow rope, Bronze armor, etc), Left arm (Dark ring, Iron glove, etc), Right arm (same as left, combinations to be made) and the Use-items such as Potions and Antidotes. For every boss you defeat, you gain a new special ability, for example a Double Jump or Dash. With it, you are able to enter a new section of Dracula's Castle with new and exciting enemies. This way you slowly reveal the entire labyrinth, that's full of secrets and hidden rooms and all the stuff a castle needs. It's great to spend weeks on running through the corridors and dungeons and discovering new areas and beating creeps. In the end, this game gets harder and you'll really have to train Nathan, which is really fun to do. All in all, this game breathes excitement. Everything you do is as if it has always been this way. Whipping around, combining cards and items, exploring the castle, all of it is a time well spent.