Rocks, a kick @ss game, and needs to be in your GBA collection.

User Rating: 9.7 | Castlevania: Akatsuki no Minuet GBA
This is the perfect mix of greatness and amazingness....
If you've seen a game that looks amazing....
If you've ever needed a game that has to be amazing....
If you've ever heard of a game that has to be amazing....
The soul system kicks butt, it just plain rocks!!!!
In every way, this game is as good as HoD (Harmony of Dissonance), and in every way, this game totally is worth you money.
The amount of game play time is huge...just like C:HoD. It just rocks. Why? Because, it just every way, this game will win over your $.
The game has a solid yet goofy 1999, Dracula was sealed in an eclipse, and Soma, the main character is in a exchange program for school, as is going to Japan for this. In Japan, in 2036, he is captured by the Eclipse, and sent with his friend to the Castle of Dracula, and there are many people in this game you will encounter, NPCs, I mean...(Non-Player-Character[s]).
Soma can absorb, per se, the enemies souls. With the newly absorbed souls, you can use their abilities,, with some, you can shoot out grenades, or throw daggers. There are three different types, Offensive: Red, Defensive: Blue, and Effective: Yellow.
Souls are kind of rare, but you need some to kill certain bosses.
Just give this game a try, trust me, it rocks!