Addictive to the point of self-injury... But in a good way!

User Rating: 8.5 | Carnival Games WII
I don't know why Carnival Games has gotten such negative scores and feedback... What more can you ask of a Wii mini-game game? For one thing, everyone already knows how the games work, and (at least I) love most of the games offered at carnivals, but no one wants to spend 100 dollars to play these games in real life..

I learned the hard way that there is a reason why carnival games cost so much (besides the whole making money part). It's because if you play them too much, your arms start to hurt - badly! The first night I brought this little gem home, I played the milk-jug toss so many times that I could barely move my right arm. Oops!

The only negative thing is that you never really "beat" the game... just win a bunch of virtual prizes (which is kind of lame). Who cares about a stuffed bear, if it's stuck in your Wii. Now, if Nintendo sent me a prize every time I won "the big one", well hey, that would rock.

But they don't. And that's okay. I'm still going to keep playing Carnival Games because it's fun, especially at parties, even if you must practice moderation ;)

I'm not going to keep playing the electric ring game, though, it's just too frustrating!