TERRIBLE repetitive voiceacting makes this annoying as hell!

User Rating: 2.5 | Carnival Games WII
We rented this game back in the day when it first came out because at the time there was nothign else to rent for the Wii, back when games were simply just NOT coming out for the damn system so this was all we could find!

I don't knwo what the deal is with the Wii but the inventors seem to get all hot in the pants over making games with a crapload of stupid MINIGAMES! I mean come on create a full on game and not some cheapy minigames that get old and boring after 2 seconds!

Some of the games are fun, like dart throwing for example and some of the games you can reminisce on old times at your local carnival and nto have to pay out the ass $1-5 per round, you can play them all on this game! But some of the games are extremely stupid and take little to no skill and can become instantly repetitive in nature.

The voiceacting in the game will make you want to shoot yourself in the head when they repeate the same catch-phrases over and over and over and over and over and over again! Sometimes no matter how hard you try the games can be hard as hell to beat and then the voiceactors talk to you like your a freakin idiot and tell you how to do it right when all along you were doing the same thing they are telling you to do!!!!

Avoid this game at all costs on the purchase end, I would recommend this as a rental only tho, because you can enjoy some of the minigames a few times over the course of a week while having the rental, but after a while you will get bored and annoyed, and want to move on, therefore, RENT IT ONLY!