Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker Review

User Rating: 7 | Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker WIIU

Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker is a fun, and interesting game that adds some interesting gamepad uses.


The story is a cute tale between Toad and Toadette, but its just unfortunate that after the first book(there are 3) the story is just repeated essentially with flip flopping of the protagonist getting captured, so it was unfortunate that with the good amount of levels, the story is more or less recycled.


This game brings some interesting uses to the game pad, that work well, and the amount of unique and interesting levels never got boring or felt recycled. The gems and gold mushrooms to collect, make going back to these levels fun and challenging. The motion camera was a bit clunky though so i stuck to traditional movement controls.


The graphics in Captain Toad are nice, and smooth, with nice lighting effects, and good textures. Also as par for a Nintendo game, there were no hiccups or frame rate dips throughout my play-through.

Overall Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker is a fun, short, and charming game that has unique design, and good puzzles, which makes it enjoyable to play, and the hidden items make it a challenge to go back and replay the number of levels.