It's just great!

User Rating: 9.7 | Calling All Cars! PS3
I've been waiting for Calling all Cars! to appear in the PlayStation Store every Thursday since I heard about it in early March. And let me tell you, it is well worth the wait! The cartoony graphics are a lot of fun and the frantic music is outstanding! I'm kinda running low on adjectives and getting a little repetitive, but it really is just great. The gameplay is so hectic and chaotic. Everybody can get into it too; my whole family LOVES it. I also had a few friends over and we were all just going nuts. Although there are only 4 levels, they really don't get old; they're each very diverse. So, to sum it all up, it is well worth the $10. Everybody is going to love it and it has TONS of replay value. Enjoy!