An interesting FPS dipped in Wild West...

User Rating: 7.5 | Call of Juarez PC
I have to say, I am not an FPS player and when I play, I really suck cause I usually choose FPSneak games rather than shooters... But while I was looking for a good Western shooter, I found this game, I read a user review saying that this is the best western shooter till the legendery western shooter Outlaws...

As a huge huge fan of Outlaws I decided to try this game out and it turned out pretty well... A bit short though.

The game starts with a young mexican boy, named Billy Candle, a boy who left his home in search of the famous aztec gold, the ransom for Montezuma, the legends say that the gold is in a village called Juarez, but it is cursed, who will seek it will be doomed and the curse is called Call of Juarez.

So our boy Candle comes back from his fruitless search but he is also shunned by the townsfolk since he is akin to trouble, which is far from the truth...

I will not give away anymore plot details but I have to say although it is not a masterpiece like the Thief series or Deus Ex (not invisible war) but the story is suprisingly good, makes you play more and more.

The graphics are not top notch, since the game is a bit old and the graphic engine is not something spectacular, but all in all it does a good job. The long shot view and water effects are quite nice, the characters look decent, all in all it is not crysis but it is good enough to be playable.

The game itself is hard, or it is hard for me since I am not good at shooters but it is quite the fun, the quickdraw feature is a nice touch to the game, you can holster your pistols and when the timer is up, you can press the mouse buttons to engage a slow motion bullet time - like feature to shoot enemies.

There are also some boss fights which feature duels. you duel with the boss to take him down before you are taken down, so it is quite simple but a cool addition.

Some levels are much like thief or even tomb raider, where you need to overcome certain obstackles in order to proceed, what you have is a whip, where you can hang from branches and such and swing in an Indiana Jones fashion, that part of the game is a bit clumsy but it is not tiresome to make you quit the game and just give up.

The soundtrack is good, it is really good, it combines nice western tunes with classic music, really fits the theme and gets you in the mood. As a huge fan of Outlaws' soundtrack, I have to say I am impressed with Jall of Juarez's soundtrack.

Although the single player campaign is a bit short, the platform part of the game is a bit clumsy, it is a good game to try out, especially if you are into wild west or you played outlaws back then and yearn for a similar experience.