There be Injuns in them hills...

User Rating: 8.5 | Call of Juarez X360
Call of Juarez is a FPS that takes place where John Wayne and Clint Eastwood call home. The Wild West. It's the late 1800's and You get to play the role of 2 characters - a kid with a bow who you think is an Injun, but turns out to be a Mexi--Can; and a man mean as hell. A man with a steel chest and a heart of frost. A man with True Grit...the local priest?! Really? Okay, fine. I can dig that. Anyway onwards to the review!

Firstly, CoJ, as I will be referring to it from here on in, is a purty game. The environments, for the most part are a sight to see. But, in the underground areas and the nighttime episodes you can't see three feet past the spurs in your boots. Also, the people look good from a distance, but when you get close, you can hardly pay attention to the dialog because you are trying to figure out what the character is looking at. One eye is a-lookin' to some far off distance, but one eye is dead on.

Beyond the visuals though, CoJ has a pretty run o' the mill FPS experience, but one aspect that I really enjoyed was riding the horse. Unlike another game, which shall remain nameless for the moment, in which you can ride a horse but thats it, you can actually shoot while on your horse. (Moment's past. Oblivion be thy game) So if you're in a high-speed chase, you can keep going and gun down your opponent.

Another aspect of the combat I really enjoyed was the duels. Nothing bring you into the West like some scum-sucking low-life calling you Yella...its awesome.

Now to the bad. The whip, while necessary in any Indiana Jones film, seems a little out of place and half of the game makes you use it, but the actual controls of said whip are way out of whack and mess up...a lot. You'll be trying to swing on a branch and find yourself plummeting to your imminent DOOM.

Anyway, I found CoJ to be a surprisingly fun game and while there are better FPS's out there, I say go ahead and give this one a try. So grab your six-shooter and get ready for some old timey fun. I give Call of Juarez a 8.5/10.