Pretty good fun, with the odd annoying niggle.

User Rating: 7.4 | Call of Juarez PC
Playing as Reverend Ray, the gun toting, revenge seeking maniac, this game is truly spectacular. The gun fights you have with bandits and varmints, using dual old school six shooters and classic rifles, are great fun due to a fantastic feeling of connection whenever you shoot a bad guy in the face. Most people would probably agree that the game would have been perfectly fine just playing as the rev.

Unfortunately, the games makers decided to add a second element to the game, which consists of playing as Billy, a half mexican runaway, who no one seems to like. In these parts of the game, you are required to be stealthy as being caught will mean game over. On paper this probably seemed like a good shot at variety, but it just ends up being tedious and boring as you crawl around in the bushes, praying that the stupid AI doesnt spot you. Some sections with Billy were good, like climbing up eagle mountain to retrieve an eagles feather for the old native american guy who saves your ass at one point, but the fun in these sections are certainly rare. The graphics in this game are very nice, the water effects being pretty spectacular. You will need a beasting machine to run it however, my pretty nice rig struggled big time on maximum settings. Overall, i recommend getting this game, maybe finding a cheat to skip through the annoying Billy sections, and have a real blast playing one of the most authentic and athmospherical western themed shooter ever.

The Good - Very nice graphics - Very atmospherical, involving theme - Playing as Ray is always great

The Bad - Performance issues - Billy's sections are either annoying or boring.