This COULD have been the best western game ever!!!!!!

User Rating: 7 | Call of Juarez X360
The gameplay of this western game is priceless. One hand your playing a boy on the run after being framed of murder and on the other hand your playing a priest who's chasing after the boy because the person who was murder happen to be the priest's brother.

What makes this game different from other western games is the special abilities/skills you have with your revolver. I also liked how they made the two people you play as have different items. The boy gets a wipe, which can be used as a weapon or a rope to swing between gaps and the priest gets a bible where you can freeze people for a spit second (didn't really work for me though)

Now the graphics weren't as good as Call of Duty 4 but they weren't bad either, great character animation.

As I said in the review deck, This COULD have been the best western game ever!!!!. they reason I said Could because I didn't really like how they address the story, it was a long passage at the beginning of each level. Then the bosses, well I really wouldn't them that because it was no challenge to defeat them. Other then that though there really wasn't any other problems.

Overall, this game is kinda like a western version of Tomb Raider, how you do alot of climbing, alot of adventure, and alot of shooting. I say this game is worthy of buying or at least give it a try.

(sorry for any misspelled words)