flawed but lots of fun!

User Rating: 7.5 | Call of Juarez PC
call of juarez is a western fps in which you play two characters, billy a boy on the run from the other character, reverend ray. billy is a stealthy type while ray is the gun blazing type.
i really enjoyed this game, partly because i like western stuff but it also has some real fun things in it. the settings are mostly excellent, the voice acting is brilliant, especially ray and you really get a sense of the environments and the wild west thanks to the music.
to be honest, some of billys missions do suck, i found myself craving third person view for parts where you have to jump or swing with the whip, but the storyline and most of all the real sense of the locations carried me along through these parts quite happily. i really felt i was there in a big desolate prairie or whatever.
reverend rays missions are undeniably great fun. he can hold any combo of revolvers or a sawn off in both hands, then theres a double barreled shotgun, a rifle, and his bible which he uses to distract people. concentration mode is ridiculous, but daftly entertaining and the duels are superb.
to summarise,
good: dialogue, acting, concentration mode
great: settings, gunplay, storyline
bad: billy, billys missions, character models,