The best Call of Duty Treyarch has made to date.

User Rating: 8.5 | Call of Duty: World at War PS3
World at War is a WW2 FPS that explores the closing fronts of the war. You will play as soldiers from America and Russia. Plus, some Pacific battles are available, a front that isnt explored a lot in WW2 games. The campaign takes you to Stalingrad, Okinawa, Berlin and many other locations.

If you played Call of Duty 4, then you can tell that Treyarch borrowed the Call of Duty 4 engine and style for World at War. This isnt a bad thing, in fact, Treyarch has improved the engine with more realistically detailed blood and gore. Most environments are dark and gritty which makes it really immersive. Impressive voice acting, including the talent of Keifer Sutherland, help bring the war to life.

Just like COD4 with its unique moments like the AC-130 gunner and the sniper moment in Pripyat, World at War also has its moments such as a mission were you man the guns of a PBY Catalina and tear into Japanese ships and Zeros. As well as storming the Reichstag in Berlin and the epic flag raising over the Reichstag looking over the war torn city of Berlin. But the best part of all, after all this is over, you are treated to a bonus Nazi Zombies level. An arcade style game mode were you must hold off infinite numbers of Nazi Zombies as long as you can. This game mode is really addicting and you will be coming back to World at War just to play Nazi Zombies.

The games multiplayer is good but I didnt find it as great as Call of Duty 4. Most of COD4s game modes such as Team Deathmatch, Headquarters, Free for all and Capture the Flag are still here but its not as fast paced as Modern Warfares online. The WW2 era weapons such as the bolt-action rifles are slower than the ones in Modern Warfare. Its forgivable though because its accurate for the time period. Plus, the flame thrower is available. It features the same leveling up style from COD4 with familiar perks and weapon add-ons to make your weapon a bit more effective. There is a Co-op mode available as well were you and a friend can play through the campaign but, the best part of the multiplayer is indeed the Nazi Zombies mode. Nothing is as thrilling as you and three others trying to hold off as many waves of zombies as possible.

The good: Great graphics and gameplay, campaign is just as thrilling as it was in Call of Duty 4. Dont forget the Nazi Zombies.

The bad: Slower paced multiplayer and occasional idiots and 12 year olds who excessively scream into their headsets when they have a bad time. Fortunately, you can mute them.

Overall, its a great game that every Call of Duty fan and shooter fans should try. Dont pass this one up simply because its another WW2 game because this one is by far the best WW2 shooter available.