MW2 has another add on...

User Rating: 7 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - Resurgence Pack PS3
And it still has the same problems online. Yes people the same problems. You'll pay $15 again to add on to the crappy online. It has the same hackers, glitches, laggers, noobtubers... EVERYTHING.

These maps aren't bad but I would've rather saved my money. The Stimulus Package is better in my opinion. Bottom line, save your $15. Use it for a couple of games, other add ons, some comic books, or a movie or TV show or anything else other than this.

They did the same thing that they did with the previous add on on this one. 3 New maps and 2 from their previous game to the series. Again it's 5 maps for $15. But like I said on my review for the SP, if MW2 was the first game you got out of the series, this is an ok buy because it's all new to you. MW2 was my first game from the series so It's an ok buy.

To those who have bought previous games will be purchasing new maps and rebuying 2 old ones. Here are the maps that are included in the RP:




Trailer Park


Those are the 5 maps that are included in the RP. If you are a fan of the series than go right ahead. If you want to get the maps and the price tag does bother you one bit, then go right ahead but remember it still has the same problems online.

Remember that guy who stabbed you from 15ft away? It's still there. They'll charge you $15 for something and it's not even fixed. Nothing new but the maps. No new weapons, no new perks... NOTHING.

I rate the Resurgence Pack a 6.9. It's overpriced and they didn't fix the online mode. It's not worth $15. I wouldn't recommend this DLC. If you get in a game filled with lagging players and some player is in a glitch (like some rock glitch in Fuel) and you're getting killed, you'll probably find yourself kicking yourself in the butt for wasting $15 on these sometimes. I know I did.