Made for 12 years olds with ADHD

User Rating: 4 | Call of Duty: Ghosts PS4

Ive had every COD game and fully prestiged on everyone till Ghosts came along, hoping for something good on my New PS4.....Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Is all i can say, PS4 version is no different from PS3 version, Maps are designed as if its trying to be like battlefield and failing miserably....Game modes have been raped, taking away the good reliable fun ones for new ones that suck....The game overall gives you a sense of stale out of ideas boring game play that seems fixed on entertaining little 12 year old kids ....The same old same problems with all COD games is still there with yet again no dedicated servers making game play unbalanced around whos getting the best connection, 3 second delay rate....dont mind if i do.

In the end this game has so fallen down that after just 3 days i traded it in for BF4 which has its problems but at least you get adults playing it and not 12 years olds with ADHD. Plus on the PS4 you get huge maps with destruction and 33 vs 33 and next gen graphics and environment conditions....Not like the stale COD Ghosts