I hope no one saw the guy who gave this game a 5.0, because this game has some of the most intense FPS gameplay to date

User Rating: 9 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare X360
COD4, I was so suprised really, I knew the game was hyped at E3 and now I finally know why, COD4 never gets old, from the sniper missions (hiding in the freakin grass is awesome) to dressing up like your enemies this game will continue to throw out varied missions, that is until you beat it in about two days. Knowing that these guys come from a back ground of World War II games these guys brought more guns and gadgets than series that have been making modern warfare games. You can shoot through thin walls use night vision, where the enemies arent magically enhanced with nightvision eyes, and kill them stealthily.
The battles are continue to suprise, and the Multiplayer is also very strong. Multiplayer is somewhat like Halo 3's multiplayer in that you level up, but if you lose you dont have to worrry about getting marked down for it, you actually always gain points no matter what, this is great and makes it seem like the game is always moving on. Although this game is pretty short the multiplayer will more than ever make up for it all, and the single player game is just a great treat.