A damn fun game. But lacking in intensity when compared to Brothers in Arms and Call of Duty on PC.

User Rating: 8 | Call of Duty 2: Big Red One XBOX
Big Red One is a good game. It's filled with adventure and cinematic moments. Its your classic Call of Duty type game.

It revolves around the 1st infantry division that saw all the campaigns of WWII. North Africa, Italy, France, and Germany. A fantastic setup for a game. I never liked playing as anyone but the Americans when playing CoD and CoD: UO for PC.

This makes for great variety. Each level is always something pretty different. Your squad is with you the whole way.

Somethings I didn't like was the level design was as linear as you can get. There is only one route to go and sometimes having to find that little gap somewhere is frusturating. Also the guns feel like toys. There is hardly any recoil and sense of power. The gunfire sounds a little muffled too. Your squad also doesn't do a damn thing. They are just robots. And their faces look strange and demon-like. The enemy AI is not that great either. Sometimes in shootouts you'll feel like you're in a shooting gallery at a carnvial since the enemy just stands in the exact same spot or ducks up and down at the same rhythm.

The thing I do love about the level design though is anything can happen. Planes bomb the enviornment around you, Krauts ambush you, explosions and fire are everywhere. Its very chaotic and fun even if the gameplay feels shallow.

As fun and chaotic as it is though the intensity is not there when compared to Brothers in Arms. Brothers in Arms is a more difficult game so thats probably the most obvious reason why. It also has more substance and authenticity over BRO's flash and cinematic influences. In BiA the guns felt insanely powerful and so realistic it was a challenge to aim at times. The AI was also there. I would almost s**t my pants when krauts or a tank would appear.

BRO though can be looked at as just as fun as BiA but a different kind. SENSELESS fun. It's also a great way to pass the time until Call of Duty 2 for 360. Nov 22 is so damn close!

But if you haven't played Brothers in Arms you should definently get it over this game. Unless you are a PS2 owner though, since for some reason that version is inferior and dumbed down to the Xbox and PC ones.