Bust-A-Move is a great and addictive puzzle game.

User Rating: 9.3 | Bust-A-Move 2 Arcade Edition N64
Bust-A-Move also known as Bubble Bobble is a highly addictive puzzle game filled with charming characters and cute sound effects. The gameplay is very simple and easy to learn and you can pick up the basic techniques in about ten minutes. But if you want to fully master all of the skills it requires to master this game you'll have to spend a lot more time. There are several different modes and each one is plenty of fun.

There is the puzzle mode where you have to get rid of all of the blocks on the screen to progress through levels this mode is very long. There is also a face-off kind of mode where you can play against either a computer player or a friend. To win in this mode you have to clear the blocks on your screen. If you can get big enough combos you will transition blocks to your opponents screen to win you have to get the other persons blocks to go to the bottom of the screen.

The graphics are cute and charming but there is nothing that will blow your mind even though this is an N64 game. The sound is fantastic all of the sound effects are great and the music is also awesome and really makes the game better. Value wise this game is great Bust-A-Move is a highly addictive game that is very easy to pick up and play whenever you want to. Bust-A-Move 2 is a fantastic game that has cute graphics, sound, and addictive gameplay which makes it easily recomended.