i thought the action and the way to take some one down made this game so fricken amazzing!

User Rating: 10 | Burnout 3: Takedown (Dutch) PS2
Out of all the burnouts, burnout 3 is the best because it has pretty good graphics, an awesome garage full of cars and shows some sick multiplayer modes. I also love the unlockables such as the cars, trophies and the venues! You have to really like racing games to be a fan of this too! if you dont like trying a bunch of times dont plan on getting this game. It can get very boring at times because your trying over and over again just to finish the game. But this game is the best racing game ever made!! The game also consists of multiplayer, such as a crash mode, race mode and road rage. The crash mode is when you pick any car, pick a venue and wreck havoc. You then can earn money or lose money. For the money you get 4x multi, 2x multi or the broken heart icon which cuts it in half. I suggest you get this game its fun and its very addicting!