Burnout 3 to date is the most intense racer you will play, and packs in good maps, as well as creative modes.

User Rating: 8 | Burnout 3: Takedown (Dutch) PS2
Burnout 3 is a brilliant racer known for it's intense gameplay.

The cars are fairly unreallistic as there are no actual real life car models, but the unlockable rides from face offs are pretty awesome no doubt.

The most noticeabble and best feature is the addition of "takedowns" that were not in it's predeccors. A takedown is when you run another car off the road, and when done so, you will see a brutal short cutscene of the car you just hit spiralling off the road. There are numerous ways of takedown animations included to keep you destructively ammused. You are not the only one that can dish these out, as your opponment can execute takedowns aswell. But this doesn't happen as frequent as it should, they will only do it when in certain ranges of you, and you will seem nearly invincible when they fail to takedown you several times.

Game modes include many excitting variations. The one that seems to please everyone the most is Crash For Cash. Simple really, you start off and are told to go, and you attemot to get to a high speed as you zoom through a dangerous intersection, hoping to make a large crash. The more damage you cause, the more cash you get, the more cash you get, the higher your rank (bronze, silver, and gold).

Graphics are good, but are nothing to special. Frame rate seems to keep up with the intense high speed racing and has never dropped out on me or slowed down.

Audio is ok, but the cars sound rather fake.

Burnout 3 should keep you busy for a while online or offline, and is easily the most intense racer to it's date.
