A lot of promise, but fundamentally flawed.

User Rating: 5.5 | Bujingai PS2
I an a die-hard hack'n'slash fan and I really wanted to love this title. It had a lot of things going for it. However, the few flaws were just too hard to ignore.
I can accept the repetative action and enemies, and even like them in most tiels. The obscure Japanese storyline is also a given in titles like these.
My problem with this title is control. The combat control is perfect, however the jumping and platforming controls are abyssmal. I got stuck at one part of the game because the mapping and puzzle solving elements were so poorly done. Puzzle solving has no place in hack'n'slash.
Before getting stuck, I was enjoying the game a great deal. The enviroments were very similar, but beautifully rendered. I would still like to finish the game, but even with the help of numerous walkthroughs I just could not navigate myself out of one level.
The game has upgradable skills involving rapid combat and magic. The storyline is obscure, but interesting enough. This game has so much going for it that I would like to give it a 10, but the mapping and platforming flaw just killed it for me. A hack'n;slash fan should consider this title, but beware.