They are Dragons and they Bounce on Bubbles!

User Rating: 9 | Bubble Bobble NES
Name: Bubble Bobble Platforms this game is available on: NES Platform that this game is being reviewed on: NES Publisher: Taito Corporation Developer: Taito Corporation Genre: Action/Platformer/2D Difficulty: Easy Learning Curve: Not Known Players: 1-2 Online Players: 0 Release Date: 1998 Rating: Not Rated Reason for that Rating: Game was made before the ratings board came into effect. Score: 4 out of 5 Game Price

Priced Used: $3.99 Priced New: Not Available New Back in 1988 many things were in that year. Madonna, Micheal Jackson, Cheers, and Endless Reruns of the A-Team. Well Nintendo wanted a game that was cute and simple for kids of all ages. Boy they got it right on target with this little homage to cuteness named Bubble Bobble. In Bubble Bobble you will play as a dinosaur that can shoot bubbles from its mouth. This is a plat-former in the simplest terms. The object is to use your ability to create bubbles and than use them on your enemies: I.E crabs, skeletons, bug, and robots. After you have encased your hapless foe in a bubble you will jump on it and kill it. This game was real addicting back in 1988 and I'm sure that not many people would disagree with me. This game was so good they also made a sequel I haven't played that one yet but I'm sure it's as good as this game is. If you liked this game than I'm sure you will like other plat-formers. This game isn't rated but who cares? if it was I'm sure it would have been rated E for everyone. It gets a 4 out of 5 because even though it was a great game the only problem I had with it is that it was very lagged when I pushed a button. But that was all that was wrong with it. The best part is if you own the NES system you can get this Jewell for only $3.99 at your local Electronics Boutique if they have it in.