Squad of the Future

User Rating: 8 | Brute Force XBOX
When I first saw Brute Force I knew it was going to be a solid game. And I was right. It wasn't as big as say Halo but it got the job done.

Gameplay: A basic 3rd person shooter. It's the same formula used time after time, but I really did not see anything wrong with it. Squad AI can sometimes wander around aimlessly, and sometimes won't listen to your orders. Beyond that each squad memeber can hold his/her own against a few enemies, but it gets realistic once the team member gets overflooded with enemies. The control is smooth and responsive, allowing for some really good sniping, and just basically fragging things. There are lots, and lots of guns, making the game easier or harder depending on which loadout you choose since some enemies are stronger or weaker depending on which type of firepower you have.

Graphics: The graphics are done really well, with textures in the enviroment, and character models that really stand out. Each team member has their own look and personality from Hawks' tight thong suit, to Brutus' hard leathery scales. The lip synching could use a little work, and there is slight pop-in. These problems aren't even apparent once you get into the game.

Audio: The audio in BF isn't bad, just not perfect. Sometimes the characters in the game can sound like complete tools, as they go along killing creatures indistinctly. On the plus side, they will shout out any threat or incoming fire, making staying alive that much easier.

Overall: I enjoyed Brute Force alot. It took me into the role of the team, and made me care about every time they got shot or bit the dust. Anyone looking for a good shooter with at least 8 hours under its belt should not miss out.