The aiming controls were well done, but this game has no plot and walking around boring levels isn't much fun in the end

User Rating: 7.2 | Brute Force XBOX
The analog responded similar to Halo, which was nice. Other than that, this game fails pretty everywhere in trying to beat Halo. You can join in at anytime in a co-op game, this is pretty nice. You can use 3 guys during missions. The two others automatically take control and fight with you while your fighting. This worked well. You can control if they follow, or you can tell them to hold back with easy commands. Graphics in a few levels were dull, but some like the jungle ones, looked crisp.

Storyline is useless and garbage. The end missions and opening mission cutscenes were crap.

The 3rd person view was nice. The aiming and game controls were very smooth and well configured. (unlike the crappy control of the console versions of Medal of Honor games). The characters looked a bit stiff running around.

I never finished the game because my xbox locked up while it was saving to it and it became corrupted. What a terrible save system to completely destroy a save game if it locks up.

This game did help me to not to listen to the lies and hype that developers throw out. This game is barely worth playing if you expected it to be as good as Halo. There's nothing in this game that even comes close to being better than Halo. Ok, don't listen to anything until you have tried it yourself.