Bought this one and was very disapointed at the monotonous gameplay.

User Rating: 3.5 | Bruce Lee: Quest of the Dragon XBOX
I thought this one thinking it would be great, it was highly anticipated and looked to be promising... of course this was a few years ago... Unfortunatley it was not to be. I liked the graphics better than the story, I liked the environements which were very sparse and the Bruce Lee character model. The sounds are abysmal but, it just got to be too much hearing the trademarked Bruce Lee Kung Fu Hai Ya's! and the voice overs were poorly done. The control scheme is bad and fighting moves are repetitive. The badies have been cloned, there is no end to them. The environements are empty, there is no one around usually except Bruce and the bad guys. Maybe next time around, if they get another chance a video game company might make a better game.