The game that all WWII shooters should have been. This will be the bench mark for everyone else.

User Rating: 9 | Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 XBOX
The little that I have played of this great game, has done nothing but amaze me at every turn. The graphics,sounds,animations and controls, look, feel and act like the developers cared about the quality of their game. You can't help but watch the game unfold before you and get caught up in the moment. Sometimes I find myself forgetting to fire because everything looks and sounds so good. From the first time you take control of matt baker (Your character) you get a sense of urgency and despair in the NPCs around you and you can't help but feel for them. Your AI Teamates will do what they are trained to do, kill. They use their cover effectively and will even yell at you to take cover if you're exposed. The constant interaction between your squads and you, from the endless vocalization of whats going on, to the desperation in their voices grabs you and pulls you into the action. You can't help but get lost sometimes in the action due to the constant influx of information being provided by your teammates. The world around is beautiful to say the least. Just buy the game. You can tell the squad controls qere done with ease of operation in mind. Everything you need to do can be done on the fly without any great effort and your AI teammates will actually help you instead of hinder. We all know that most squad based games, your squads AI is a little toned down. In those other games it almost feels like your team isn't really worried about dying and they are there to have fun. This is war, there is nothing fun about it (Except maybe to those crazy few who live for it). Your AI team will fight as if their lives depend on their actions and it really shows in the field. You will see your team take down guys with precision and the enemy will die with brutal flare. Your team will not put themselves into a stupid situation and just stand there, they will use their cover and yell at you if you don't use yours. The games AI is outstanding. They will react to your every move. IF you try and flank, they will counter. If you sit still and draw out the fight, they will come for you. It truely feels as if your fighting for you life agains't a battle hardened enemy. They will use every tactic they can to get you. The sounds are as authentic as you can get. you will hear rounds whizzing past your head and explosions will rattle your head. The weapons models are dead on in all of their attributes and you will need to learn that you can not run-n-gun here. No one in WWII ran into a squad of germans and lived to tell about it, neither will you. It will amaze you the first time you throw a gernade at an enemy just to have them pick it and throw it back at you or better yet, to try and pick it to throw it, only to have it blow up in their hands, leaving them without an arm. When you fire a round into an enemy target, you actually feel like you hit flesh. You don't get that feeling like your shooting ducks at your local fair. When a explosions goes off close enough, expect the motion blur, expect time to slowdown a bit and expect to see soldiers with arms,legs and what ever else blown off. The scraan will splatter with your blood or dirt from the ground near you. It sucks you in. This game has set the bar high for this genre that it will be hard for other companies out there to equal it. Unless you just hate FPSs or WWII games in general, you should have this game in your collection.period. Congrats guys, you saved the WWII scene single handed.