Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway is a exciting addition to the series itself.

User Rating: 8 | Brothers In Arms: Hell's Highway PS3
Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway is a World War II squad tactical shooter. In the game you play as Ssgt. Baker, commander of an airborne army squad. The story is like a epic theatrical movie. There are many characters to know and some you might get attached to.

The campaign takes you through many environments from warehouses to the open fields of Holland. The gameplay is mostly move here and suppress that enemy. There's a lot of tactics to put in. Your MG squad will suppress the enemy and tear up wooden cover (destroyable cover is pretty fun), while your assault or fireteam squad flanks them, and the bazooka team is the most fun. Grenades, bazookas, and headshots will slow the gameplay down and zoom in to the bloody gore of bloody heads and blown apart enemies. Every gun has its own sound and its easy to tell whats what. AI is okay. They will use cover and shoot at targets of opportunity, but when you lob a grenade at them they will most likely stand there. When you move your teamates, they most likely will go through cover instead of behind making them vulnerable. There's also quite a few solo runs for a squad shooter.

Multiplayer isn't so popular, but if you do play you choose a class and you work together with your teamates to complete your objective.

Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway has a valuable campaign, but its multiplayer isn't popular so its a good game if your looking for a game with a good story, but you might want to play the other Brothers in Arms to understand it.