Ever Since I was 8 I have always loved one RPG outa all the rest and its Breath of fire series and this is the best 1!

User Rating: 9.8 | Breath of Fire III PSP
First Off you get to actually play as the Dragon (OR thebaby dragon) and During That time you get to kill!!! YEAH!! then afterwards you get a free sword. when a winged Rat type thing knocks you out you get sent to a mine during that journey you break out of your cage and you become human once more.
Afterwards a Tiger Named Rei finds you out in mcguibber woods and he takes you home with him. During your time at mcgubber woods you break into houses and estates even kill a big mean boss until you find that your house is burnt down! Afterwards a coule of Zebras will kill you and you cant kill them! Soon after you are all alone and set of to windia to find Rei and Teepo and kill your way to finding out the POWER OF THE BROOD

The ELements flame defender reverse thorn frost thunder eldricth miracle shadow fusion force gross ??? mutant failure radience sunder infinity
sometimes during battle you may have an extra go depending on your speed this game is the best game of all rpgs to date!