Knee-deep, old school, RPG fun

User Rating: 8 | Breath of Fire II: Shimei no Ko SNES
The game drops you as a mere child, learn about whats going on and then wonder- the hell? Its a whirlwind of questions that you uncover along the way. Loads of leveling and skills for the rpg'er on the prowl for some snes rpg's on the wii. Awesome game. Some drawbacks are there are no maps, and the background music can get tired. THe leveling system is good, and they have the enemies in certain areas that match your range. That way, you don't get clobered the first time you cruise out. However you gotta watch where ya go, cause in certain areas there are guys way to hard for you to kill (trust me it happens, haha).

Overall, the games a good ride with a compelling story with postives over pressing the negatives. Def worth a download.