It's a terrible shame that some people have the audacity to rate this any lower than a 9.

User Rating: 10 | Braid PS3
This game is a masterpiece hands down no questions asked. Anyone who rated this lower than a 9 obviously lacks any kind of imagination whatsoever and unless they are blowing something up with next-gen graphics cant begin to understand anything beyond that. If you are incapable of using your brain for anything besides lolpwning people in an fps this is not the game for you at all.

If however you can appreciate an engaging story and truly amazing puzzles that aren't watered down and expect you to think for yourself than is obsoletely the game for you. It truly saddens me to see the the youth of today can't even begin to appreciate games like this :( This is exactly why games like wow are popular kids need everything handed to them on a silver platter or the game sucks in there eyes.
