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User Rating: 8 | Bounty Hounds PSP
The beauty of Bounty Hounds is that you start aboard the Quicksilver and you are able to explore your surroundings and speak to anyone you come across so you are not quickly rushed into starting the story mode‘s main mission. The ship, you’ll find, is the place where you can upgrade skills and items or purchase new weapons and gather information from friends and Bounty Hound colleagues. There are events scattered throughout the ship that trigger graphic novel-styled panels that introduce each character. You’ll meet Maximilian’s friend Perceval and the beautiful Corteria as well as the vicious cyborg named Archibald. While you are able to explore the mother ship and return to it at any time during the game, the majority of the game is exploring the plants and wiping out hordes of alien enemies. Once you’re on a planet’s surface you are tasked with clearing each section of multiple alien enemies that appear on the screen. Much like a similar hack-and-slash, Dynasty Warriors, you will often find yourself surrounded by your enemy as you slice or shoot through the hordes. You are allowed to carry two weapons for each hand and you can mix and match them anyway you see fit. For instance, if you want twin blades you can carry your sword and a “Krull” inspired blade as your backup but then again if you like to mix your short-ranged attacks with some long-ranged ones you can carry a blaster in one hand and your sword in the other. There are over 500 weapons and armor pieces you can use and fit your upgradeable character. Unfortunately, even with the over 500 weapons and armor items at your disposal, combat in the game becomes way too repetitive way too early. Yes, there are interesting aspects to combat, such as pulling off combo attacks and taking advantage of your Force Field and the cool Field explosion but they add very little when it comes to the action. This is made worse by the fact that the camera often doesn’t give you the best possible view of your attacker and the fact that the enemies you face - even the level bosses - hardly ever change. Sure, there are moments when the enemy will have you pinned and your health gauge will get dangerously low but the so-so controls make attacks a breeze to pull off. Add a confusing map that has you constantly backtracking after each mission and you have a game that will leave a sour aftertaste in the action department. Even the deathmatch multiplayer mode isn’t very fun for very long even if your friend doesn’t have to own a copy of the game.