This game was...different...

User Rating: 6.1 | Baku Bomberman N64
Bomberman 64 was one of the first games that I ever played. I was a very strange game really. There are different worlds that you are meant to explore and you are meant to destroy these certain things because they are terrorizing this worlds. Each world is really quite random because none of them have any significance.

The gameplay of the game is very different from many other games. In a sense it is very simplistic but what you sometimes have to do with your bombs is quite hard. You only have a couple of moves. You can place a bomb, kick a bomb and throw a bomb. You can make your bombs bigger but your character moves slower when he is carrying a bigger bomb. The bigger bombs obviously do more damage and a bigger explosion but they are not really necessary against pety enemies.

The graphics of the game are a bit jagged in many places and are sharper in some place than actually needed. The animation of the characters is very slow which can be annoying and the camera can also get on your nerves a lot because it can sometimes go all of the place are it doesn't go into the position that you really want it.
The sound is pretty bad. The sound effects are repeated all the time and the music is very poor.

The lifespan of this game is short. It can be beaten quite quickly even though it took me a long time. I was so confused with this game in what to do. You had to kick a bomb there and place one here at the same time to do something that probably won't do anything anyway.

There are lots of secrets in this game which is good in a way but they are all so random and so hard to get to that even if the prize that you recieve is quite good, you feel cheated because it took so long to get there. I am being serious when I say this. The movement of how the bombs react with other bombs could be put much better but for what it is then it is okay. The whole game really seems to be set over in a bunch of squares.

The multiplayer of this game is actually quite enjoyable. You can play with up to four players and each one controls a bomberman with a different colour. You could pick one of the levels and the levels are very basic but that is really all is needed because otherwise is might get too complicated. The sudden death of the levels are usually quite fun and the multiplayer of Bomberman 64 is the best part of the game. Overall the game is not really that great but it was so weird and so unlike every other game that I can remember it.