Try not to be seduced by the promotional shots, at some point you will have to play it.

User Rating: 5.5 | Blur X360
Like many others i was won over by Blur's promotional videos.

Now im glad i rented it first.

Blur looks good, there is a beautifully moody look to the world and it flies by so fast you wont notice anything nasty for long enough to care. The neon effects are eye pleasing and the cars look sharp. Everything in the game shares the neon style and it works well, reflecting off the cars and leaving light trails everywhere.

The game starts well, its tricky to control and the various points systems are confusing but of course you will get better and the game will start to make more sense. Except it doesnt.

The drifting mechanic is probably the games biggest issue, it doesnt really work unless you either live through the game or get very lucky. It means that only about a third of the cars are really worth using and is constantly infuriating.

Similarly the career mode seems overly complex, you want to get to race bosses, and you have to complete objective to get the honour. In each race you need to place third, and beat people up, and complete mini games, AND please fans ( which im still not sure how to do ). At the end of each race your rating but I just cannot grasp how this works or why i got the score i did.

I have played Blur almost exclusively since i took it out blockbusters. I really wanted to like it, i like the look of it and while the sight of real cars shooting plasma looks odd i do like the idea.

But you have to at some point play it, and its just too infuriating to live with.