Hard, addictive and co-op. That's enough to make you play 80 hours of this masterpiece!

User Rating: 10 | Blood of Bahamut DS
If you and other friend play as the same character, you can choose a different color.
Great equip creation system.
Skill set that permits you to create a unique character.
Hard boss fight.

If you are playing all alone, you will spend too many times leveling up and getting items
Very hard Free Missions (if you are playing alone)
Repetitive enemies (like others Square-Enix games, the enemy only change the color).

When my friend Kadico shows me this game, I thought: "One more Japanese game that I will dislikeā€¦" Well, I was wrong, very wrong. This game have one thing that attract the gamer to play and replay e re-replay, kill and re-kill the Giant Beasts collect the Body Parts of the enemies.
But the magnetic power of Blood of Bahamut is the Co-op mode. Since 90's I don't feel so rejuvenated playing with my friends. Play with other 2 or 3 friends in the free missions and you will see what I'm talking about. Great.
Great graphics, great controls, great cinematic, great boss fight. If you know Japanese, man, you are da man!!!