Fun game to play.

User Rating: 7 | Blitzkrieg 2 PC
If your the World war 2 lover. Meaning Love to play anything that = BLOW KILL AND WIN THE OLD GREAT WAR then this is another game for you. The game play is good but lacks graphics for a part two game.

The game is almost the same as part one but alittle more added. The neat thing is artilley, if you have those artilley guns for your mission then all you need is to position, get some supply trucks rolling to refill your ammo for the artilley pieces and then blast away areas of darkness hoping to hit your target.

The game is nicely done but sometimes can cause problems such as running around your map looking for enemies that are hiding, finding artilley(enemy's) and sometimes finding your little soldiers.

The game also adds alittle newbie help for artilley if you fire or your enemy fires red cycles appear on the map on where the artilley has fired from meaning you to target there but at the same time while you hitting the red area the enemy can see your artilley firing and do the same which is the same as part one so if you screw up on a firing then you can end up dieing.

Some missions have it wear you are completely out number and sometimes have the enemy coming with more and more support you kick your butt but part 2 has some missions where if you lose a guy they send in another to help (spawns over and over unit that guy is done his objective if he as one).

Over all the game is great and the series is good to play for those war fans.