User Rating: 8.4 | Blast Factor PS3
""" I edited my review because of the multy player expansion pack. The only problem with The add on is that it cost 3 more dollars, but it is worth it, if not a little bs that the multy player didnt come with it in the first place and you have to play to play it, but if you have a friend GET THE F**KING EXPANSION, it F**KING RULES!! Co-op is fun and the grudge match is fun as hell. Basically the grudge match is with up to 4 people, the playing area is slightly enlarged and it gives you 5 lives to each round. with 5 rounds, 3 friends, and at 150% speed, it is INSAINLY FUN!!! Also, the speed up makes the single player alot more fun and nerve wrenching. The game is worth it for the multy player portion. The only complaint is that the game has no online, but im hopeing that will be another addition (maby even free)

Blast facor, which is a downloadable game via playstation store, is a good old arcade type shooter. It falls among the same lines of geomitry wars, but it doesnt do much to separate itsself from this. The whole cell thing is cool, and the art direction is good, but the setting isnt the best an arcade shooter has seen. The octagonal thing seems kind of wierd. Most of the levels have multiple difficulty levels, which seem to only varry in enemie numbers, not so much in difficulty. The only thing that makes it that much harder is that the games little cell things look prity cool, which makes me wonder why the little ship you controll looks so amazingly bad. The 2 things that set this game appart from the crowd are the slow motion shockwave, triggered by L2 or R2, is prity cool. The motion sensor controll kind of sucks, just because it takes so long to get acustomed to and is very easy to send in the wrong direction. Each specimine (8 levels i think) has new enemie types and generally more complicated formations. Also, diffrent enemies have more complicated ways to get killed, including ones that can only be killed in chain reactions or even when their flipped over. in all, im glad i got the game, but its not that origional and its most unique features are easily overlookable. The graphics are smooth, but other than that, not much sticks out about this game.