Enjoyable !

User Rating: 7.5 | Blast Factor PS3
Blast Factor is a downloadable game from the Playstation store. It is a top-down, Geometry Wars Esq. shooter in which you take the role of a 'bacteria fighter'-fighting cell like bacteria.

The game therefore has rather biological 'cell like' arenas in which this fighting takes place. You pass from cell to cell eventually ridding the entire nucleus, which blows up, and then moves you on to the next stage. While this is very pretty, thanks to the water effects and the overall sharp HD look, it does get rather monotonous after a few sit-downs. As this is such a focal point of the game it would have been nice to seen some variation.

While on about the presentation, it must be noted that to truly appreciate the look of this game, it must be shown in high definition, while some PSN games are moderate in SD, we get the feeling that it was designed to be played in 720p and above.

As stated in the introduction, this is extremely similar to the Xbox live downloadable game Geometry Wars. The main similarity between the games is how they control, with theleft analogue stick controlling the character's movementand the right controlling the shooting. This works well and thus, for people who have played Geometry Wars, they will feel at home and those who haven't will be able to pick-up and play instantaneously.

Blast Factor does make use of the Sixasis support, which if tilted sends a wave then pushes the enemies to the designated side giving the player time and space. Whilst this sounds neat, you can only send then to the right or left this restricts its usefulness and thus its speciality.

This is not the only similarity, the games also very similar in the general speed, and game-play. You get the feeling that SCEE have possibly played Geometry Wars it is that similar.

The enemies in Blast factor and interesting and colourful which adds to the enjoyment and gives it, it's own unique style visually.

Blast factor is an enjoyable game, which will be further enjoyed in HD. While is extremely similar to Geometry Wars, it still brings new ideas to this genre. If you own a PS3 and are looking for a reasonably priced game that is simply fun, then look no further than Blast Factor.