This was a one-of-a-kind game that deserves far more attention than it has received.

User Rating: 8.7 | Blast Dozer N64
I’ve always liked quirky, off-the-wall games, so I was drawn to this title from the preview. A leaky nuclear reactor is on the loose, and if it touches anything it will detonate at once, destroying all within its considerable blast radius. Your job is to destroy any and all obstacles in its immediate path to keep the thing from detonating. This is accomplished by means of vehicles. Any vehicle will do; you start with the Backlash (a hard-armor dump truck) and from there accumulate such vehicles as a bulldozer, a hard-bellied dune buggy, a futuristic cycle, various mechs, and the A-Team van.

There are dozens of levels in this game, and your mission varies. On the “main” missions your job is to destroy all the buildings, collect all the radiation disposal units (RDUs) and save all the people. All this is done under a time limit (the bomb is closing in and you have a small amount of time to get everything out of the way before it hits), which starts out generously and gets a little crazy near the end. The “side” missions often consist of lap races around tracks of various makings. Other side missions include destroying certain things within the time limit. One side mission takes place on a giant pool table; another one is in a level that looks suspiciously like Pac-Man and requires you to “eat” the RDUs before the enemy trucks get you. There are medals that you can obtain. (The faster your time or greater the destruction, the better medal you get. Some of the platinum times are downright insane.)

The early levels are pretty easy and straightforward, but the later missions throw head-scratching puzzles at you as well as an unforgiving timeframe to work. On the last few levels there is no room for a mistake; if you don’t hit a building perfectly then it is mission over. The learning curve gets steep near the end but if you can beat it, it’s one of the most worthwhile titles the N64 had to offer.

Gameplay: Like I said, this is an innovative title, and gameplay is where it truly shines. The variety of vehicles and levels is good, the controls responsive (although the Backlash can give you fits late in the game). The challenge is good too, as it starts out simple and gets extremely difficult near the end, especially if you go for the platinum medals. Unfortunately, you cannot replay the main missions of the game until you obtain gold medals on every level, but you can go back and do the side missions as many times as you want. 9/10

Graphics: The graphics are typical N64 fare. They look good, but you can see the individual polygons at times and the backgrounds tend to repeat themselves after a while. Some of the levels look awfully similar. For its time it looks pretty sharp, though. 8/10

Sound: The music’s pretty good, but isn’t quite what you would expect for a fast-paced frenzy of destruction; it's not always adrenaline-pumping. The sound effects are very good, but what little voice-acting there is gets on your nerves quickly, as the characters repeat the same few phrases ad nauseum (“Try something else!”). 7/10

Value: This game has decent replay value, especially if you’re a perfectionist who has to have every platinum medal there is. And it can be fun to restart the game just to destroy more buildings and cause more mayhem. There’s lots of hidden stuff in the main levels. The only downside, again, is that you cannot replay the main missions unless you start over (again, unless you're a perfectionist). But if you like weird, unique games (or if you just like to blow stuff up), then this game is just for you. If you see it, pick it up; it should be less than $10. 9/10