So you like RPGs? Is this right for you?? read more to find out.

User Rating: 9.2 | Blade Dancer: Sennen no Yakusoku PSP
so you're looking for a sweet RPG for PSP. this game is one of my tops for RPGs and roleplaying games on PSP.

PROS This game has many pros that people look at. first of all, the graphics are 3-D which makes it a bit more interesting. even when you battle the monsters and bosses, it looks very sickk. the LUNA points that you earn is a very creative and original idea. There is also something called a moon clock... instead of the creature attacking then you attack just like Pokemon for example, you actually have a time for how long it takes for you and your opponent to attack. this i found also creative. and this is one of the best parts of the game: CRAFTING!! you can make your own armor and weapons and everything. its really cool... u can get recipes from places and also you can go to this guy that breaks down the item u wanna kno the recipe of. then you can make ur weapon over n over! The storyline is actually pretty good, and you have pretty cool quests you can do. The storyline is kinda creative in its own way as well..

CONS alright well the graphics, some of the areas are pretty limited and look very flat and unreal. there is only one type of creature icon that you see on the field(not in battle). it is a skull with a colour depending on how hard it is to kill. another thing i dislike is that you always have to go back and forth in the city and the fields which gets quite annoying because there isnt toooooooo many save points. annd ur only limited to 4 characters... its still pretty good but u cant customize them or anything. the last con i have to point out is that the weapons.... oh goddd the durabilty is SO BAD! after like 10-20 fights your weapon is alrdy broken and you cant repair it. but its pretty easy to get another one by crafting it. oh yeah last thing!! NO ONLINE PLAY BSIDES PSP-PSP!!! godd they shud start makin that happen for games=(

this game is for you if you like the 'save the world' kinda games and i reccomend buying it if you are into RPGS like this one and want to see somthing new. if you want to check it out first then rent it and see wat u think, but im pretty sure that you will like it.